Happy Valentines Day love GTP (Antonio & Jhiri)

Happy Valentines Day guys! :)

I hope everyone spent the day with someone they love or at least doing something they love. <3 I spent the day editing and I got to photograph an adorable two year old, a family of 7 and a graduating senior...*whew* busy day! But I am goad I got to spend it doing what I love most. 

It's a funny thing that work is my safe place. Nestled in front of my imac, with my coffee and water, watching Ugly Betty on my ipad and editing my fingers away, I had no idea I would fall in love with my craft this way. It gives me a creative high that nothing else can. I am addicted to the end result. When I can finally click "save" in photoshop and send my clients their beautifully crafted images. 

This week will be full of sessions and lots of editing. I look forward to sharing everything with you all! - Sasha


Happy first birthday Kaelyn!


Rixney. Celebrating 30 Years!